Notification of income changes

​It is important to give us notice of any changes in your income in the following cases:

  • When you start working, upon receiving your first wage slip.
  • When a change applies to your income.
  • When you stop working.

Notification's significance

When you are not working, the National Insurance Institute deducts Health insurance contributions from your disability pension, however, when you would start working, these Health insurance contributions should be deducted from your wage. Therefore, you should notify to us of the beginning of your work after receiving your first wage slip, in order for us to stop deducting Health insurance contributions from your pension.

Furthermore, the pension is paid according to your income. Should your income change, you should give us notice thereof, in order for us to adapt your pension accordingly and for you to avoid debts.

Important: you are responsible for notifying to us of any change in your income, even when your wage slip mentions that National insurance contributions were paid on your behalf.

Manner of notfication to the NII

You must submit the following documents:

  • Wage slip - whether you started working or any change applied to your income.
  • Certificate of dismissal from the employer - when you stopped working.

You may submit the relevant document to us directly through our website - To submit documents online, click here.

Documents may also be submitted by fax, by mail or in the serice box of your local NII branch.